Story Time
Please try to follow the timetable as closely as you possibly can.

Please could I encourage all parents and children to ask if you would like your reading books changed as this can be easily arranged. Also, would it be possible to please send photos of your children’s reading records on a Monday or Friday to show evidence that you/your child has read 3 times that week. We want you to get credit for your achievements!


Invite to Join Year 6 English Drop-in Zoom Meeting (09:30)


Meeting ID: 984 8275 1086
Passcode: fRG64P

SPaG: LC: To correct a paragraph

Please have a read through the paragraph below. It is missing some key elements like punctuation, it is using incorrect vocabulary and it is written in poor standard English.

I would like you to re-write and correct the paragraph by making the necessary changes. Be careful! Don’t let it catch you out. Some of the changes may not be as obvious.

Dear Diary (continued)

Things is just going from bad to more worse today. Mum made me spend ours tidying my room and then Joe turned up and Sam and him went off to play football. I could of gone too if Mum hadn’t been making me tidy up. I should of sneaked out the front door but she locked it. I might of died in a fire, why doesn’t she think of that? Mum’s are mean, its not fare. I wouldn’t of minded as much if I couldn’t of heard Sam and Joe playing down the street when I were stuck inside. I seen them out of the window, and it looked like they was having a grate time. There mean two.

Then mum came in and was on at me again, saying how dad and her was working there fingers to the bone and all I done was moan, moan, moan all day about football, and how if I didn’t spend some time on my homework Id be in trouble with my teacher. She weren’t even pleased when I told her I done my silly homework on the first day of the holidays.

LC: To text mark a model text.

We are going to look at 2 pieces of non-fiction writing this half-term and this one is our first. This is a non-chronological report based on the endangered ‘Waved Albatross’. I will list underneath what I would like you to do:

  1. Read through the model text carefully. When you have done that read it through for the second time to familiarise yourself with the content and absorb any information that you may have missed on the first read through.
  2. Text Mark: which you ALL know how to do. Look at features of this report. What do you see? Sentence openers? What type? Sentences? What type? Look for different uses of language, punctuation, grammar. Why are these types of grammar or vocabulary used in this kind of report? That is what you need to consider.
  3. Find ONE of each type. So for example, if you have found an embedded clause that is great and that is enough but then you might find an embedded relative clause, well then that is different so it needs marking. You might find a question mark – one is enough. You may find a prepositional opener, well don’t find me any more of those but you may find an adverbial opener.
  4. You are all familiar with this activity so please show me great things.

The Waved Albatross

The waved albatross, also known as the Galapagos albatross, is a remarkable and beautiful bird that lives primarily on the Galapagos Islands. It takes its name from the wave-like patterns that form within the feathers on the wings of the adult birds. However, partly due to: long-line fishing, tourism and disease, the waved albatross finds its population in danger to the levels that it now requires protected status.

Species Overview

Growing huge in stature, the waved albatross is the largest bird in Galapagos with a wingspan of up to two and a half metres! Can you imagine that? Both sexes have: a white head with a creamy, yellow crown and neck while the body is mainly chestnut brown with a white breast and underwing. They have a dull, yellow bill, which appears too long for their small heads, and bluish feet. Because albatrosses are exceptional gliders, they can spend a vast portion of their lives above the open ocean.

One of their most interesting behaviours is their courtship dance, which includes: bill circling, bill clacking, head nodding, a waddle and a cow-like moo. The courtship ritual is most complex: the ritual is especially drawn out for new breeding pairs and pairs which had an unsuccessful breeding season.

Couples stay together for life and each breeding season a single egg is laid by the female on bare ground. The couple take it in turns to incubate the egg for up to two months until it hatches. Several weeks after hatching – which may seem very young – chicks will be left in ‘nursery’ groups, allowing the parents to go off and feed. On their return, the parents will regurgitate a pre-digested oily liquid for the chicks to feed on. Around five and half months after hatching, chicks will be developed enough to start flying and once fully fledged the birds will spend up to six years out at sea before returning to find a partner.


Where to see them: The main breeding grounds are on Espanola Island, which is part of the Galapagos. However, out of the breeding season, they can be found throughout the region and mainly in the south.

When to see them: The only time they are not on land is January to March. Eggs are laid from April to June and incubated for two months. The offspring will eventually leave the colony by January the following year and spend the next six years out at sea and will be greeted by a prospective partner on their return.


There is estimated to be between 50,000 and 70,000 individuals with approximately 12,000 breeding pairs. It is believed there is a tiny population breeding on Isla de la Plata off the coast of Ecuador but with numbers maybe fewer than 20 breeding pairs.

Sadly, the greatest threat comes from man and mainly from fishing activities. Long-line fishing boats lay out hundreds of miles of baited hooks which attract birds and once they try to eat the bait they get hooked and drown after being dragged under. While long-lining is banned within the Galapagos Marine Reserve, once the birds leave this area they have no protection. If the albatross were to remain in the Galapagos their lives would be safer, however this is not possible due to the flight patterns. Other threats include water pollution, oil slicks and chemicals. Intentional harvesting, for human consumption and feathers, has seen a dramatic increase in recent years.

To conclude, because the current demise in the number of albatross has caused such great concern, the population has been deemed highly vulnerable and on the verge of catastrophic collapse. Due to this, in 2007, the waved albatross was understood to be risking extinction and was up listed to critically endangered. Since only a maximum of one egg is raised each year by a pair, the species is exceptionally vulnerable and struggles to uplift its population status. This wonderful bird demands our protection. This can only be achieved by people’s awareness.


Here are the spellings for this week:

Mr Emmerson’s Spelling Group: necessary, nuisance, draft, draught, father, farther, guessed, guest, heard, herd, led, lead, morning, mourning, advise, advice, device, devise, licence, license, practice, practise, prophesy, prophecy.

Mrs Oakley’s Spelling Group: occasion, occasionally, forgotten, forbidden, moisten, straighten, underwritten, heartbroken, handwritten, spokeswoman strengthen, enlighten, misspoken, ibuprofen.

Focus on the spellings from your group and complete the following activities:

Spelling Activity:

Day 1: New week, new words. Write them down for the first time, ensure that you understand their definitions and then count their syllables.

All of these spellings are on Spelling Shed under either Spring Week 8 Mrs Oakley or Spring Week 8 Mr Emmerson


Brian Discovers Rodeo. Chapter 4 : The Arrival (cont)

Car rented and ready for action! Although Brian was, as I am sure you are, quite surprised, and also a little bit suspicious, with just how easy it was for a turkey (and not only a turkey but a turkey without a driving licence) to rent a car and be ready for road in only twenty minutes.

However, he had a car in his possession regardless and he told himself that this was not a time for questions – it was a time for action.

Brian took his Uncle Alan’s address from his travel bag and attempted to feed the information into the satnav fitted on the rental car’s dashboard. Due to lack of fingers (Don’t let this scare you. This is not an amputation thing but a turkey thing) this was not an easy task but Brian pushed on anyway. Oddly enough, the feeding in of the information was not the most difficult part. Understanding and making sense of his mother’s writing was the biggest issue. For a turkey of her age, her written presentation really was disgraceful. He tried his best to make sense of it but as his nerves were already sky-high worrying about driving for the first time, he wasn’t really in the mood for this extra simple but yet very difficult task.

Anyway, he did his best to make sense of it and fingers crossed (another difficult task when you don’t have fingers) he had read the address correctly and he was ready to continue his journey of a lifetime.

Something else was bothering him which he was trying to keep buried. He was a little bit angry at himself for forgetting to purchase a a range of duty-free mascara at the airport. Because of the excitement of the whole day, his head was well and truly in the shed. Don’t get me wrong, he had plenty as he always kept himself well stocked up but it was still so very annoying to have missed this opportunity. He just had to push this aside though and tell himself what was done, was done.

“American Alans, here I come!” he screamed as he rocketed out of the car lot


  1. ‘Car rented and ready for action!’ What kind of sentence is this? (1 mark)
  2. What raised Brian’s suspicions? (1 mark)
  3. How long did it take Brian, from start to finish, to rent a car? (1 mark)
  4. What was this not a time for? (1 mark)
  5. What was this a time for? (1 mark)
  6. What problem did Brian encounter within this section of the story? (1 mark)
  7. Brian’s mood may have added to this problem. What was his mind like during this time? (1 mark)
  8. Why were turkey finger mentioned twice during this part of the story (2 marks)
  9. What else was bothering Brian that he was trying to keep buried? (1 mark)
  10. Where was Brian’s head? (1 mark)


Join Year 6 Maths Drop-in Zoom Meeting (11:30)


Meeting ID: 939 5764 0048
Passcode: jXZ5dW

Video Input to the maths lesson:

Maths Meeting:

Maths: LC: Multiply 4-digits by 1-digit

Today we move onto looking at multiplying 4-digits by 1-digit. This is not new news to you and it is something that you should be comfortable with. Please watch the video closely, ensure you understand what is being modelled and make sure your understanding is clear and that you are confident with what you need to do.

With regards to multiplying 4-digit numbers by 1 digit numbers, we will be looking at multiplication description, completion of multiplication and place value charts, word problems, identifying problems, using one calculation to help solve another and the use of digit cards with multiplication.

Challenge questions:

Year 6 DT

Join Year 6 Afternoon Drop-in Zoom Meeting (2:00)


Meeting ID: 948 9225 8738
Passcode: RKg90s

LC: To research American foods and create an information poster/leaflet

Our DT over the next few weeks is linked to our Amazing Americas focus in Geography. We are going to use the DT sessions to look at American foods with the focus on different foods from North and South America, the ingredients used to create these foods and the nutritional value of dishes.

What I would like you to do today is a bit of research. I would like you to undertake a research project looking at the different foods and dishes of North and South America. (this is important, please don’t focus your research around the USA alone)

I would like you to create an informative, well-presented poster or leaflet telling the reader all about these foods considering these things:

  1. What is the name of the food or dish and where about in the Americas does it originate from.
  2. How should it be eaten and with what?
  3. Consider the ingredients. What goes into this dish? What ingredients does it require?
  4. What about the nutritional value of the dish? Is it good for? Not so good for you? Why?
  5. Is there history to the food? When and why was it created initially?

Teach yourself and teach me all about these wonderful foods.

Story time

The Meeting by Nizrana Farook

A pitiful mewl made Salma stop on the path to the village and prick up her ears.

She stretched up on her toes and looked over the wild shrubbery. Giant purple jungle ears swayed in the sunshine. There was that sound again. There was something…pleading about it.

Parting velvety leaves that left a yellow powder on her fingers, Salma hurried towards what sounded like a kitten in pain. There was a woody smell of dried mud and, among a thicket of trees, a hole in the ground.

She peered into the hole and drew back in fright, scrambling away. It was a cat alright, but not the type she was expecting.

Salma stopped mid-flight. Why had the animal been so still?

She crept back towards the hole.

The leopard looked weak and spent, as if it had been trying to escape for a while. Salma watched its orange specks, circled in mottled black, as they rose and fell.

What was wrong with it? Normally they could jump great heights.

She crouched down at the lip of the hole and looked closely. One leg was bloody, possibly at the knee.

So that was why it couldn’t jump.

She could go and get help. But the leopard was too close to the village – some people might want to kill it in case it attacked someone.

But if it stayed here, it would die.

She really should leave and go home. It was injured. It would possibly die anyway.

But it was young, probably not long separated from its mother, with its whole life ahead. If it got out, it would have fighting chance of survival. Maybe there was some hope its leg would heal and it would live and hunt as normal again.

Salma quickly got looking for a suitable branch. She dragged it into the hole, with the top sticking up outside.

The leopard gripped the end of the branch and shimmied its way up, dragging its injured leg behind. It sprang out in front of Salma, making her recoil into the broad trunk of an atamba tree.

She pressed against the tree, shaking. She hadn’t expected it to be so quick.

She’d helped it. Why would it do this?

The leopard stared into her eyes. What was it that you were supposed to do? Look them in the eye or don’t look them in the eye? It was hard to remember, when you had a big cat sat in front of you, hungry for its next meal.

Its eyes were wise, almost humanlike, turned up at the ends as if pencilled in kohl. It smelt of sweat and wet cat, only stronger.

It narrowed its eyes and, just like that, Salma was sure it meant her no harm. The eyes seemed to be telling her something, she didn’t know what. It held her gaze for a moment and walked away, flicking its tail in farewell.

Salma shivered. She would never forget this day, this leopard, this meeting.

Daily Work Feedback – Year 6

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