School Meals – Handale Primary School

Staff and pupils at Handale Primary School are proud to be recognised as an Enhanced Healthy School. We are passionate about ensuring our pupils grow up knowing the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle and the meals we provide and encourage our children to eat form an integral part of this.

School Meal Provision

School meals are freshly cooked every day and are provided free of charge to pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Payments for other children must be made through via ParentPay at a cost of £2.30 per day (£11.50 per week). Please ensure your school meal account is kept up to date.

Packed Lunches  –  we are a NUT-FREE school.

Please follow the guidance below when preparing your child’s packed lunch.

  • Packed lunches should be brought to school in a suitable plastic container/lunch bag with your child’s name clearly marked on it.
  • We are a nut-free school! Some of the children and staff at Handale Primary School may have allergies therefore please ensure packed lunches do not contain any nuts.
  • Lunches must not contain chocolate bars or sweets.  We encourage children to eat healthily and bring a balanced packed lunch.
  • Please provide your child with a drink. Please do not send in glass bottles or cans of any kind. No fizzy drinks are allowed in school. Please note that water is available at all times for all children.
  • Please also note that we welcome children bringing fruit to school for break times.  Chocolate bars and other confectionary should not be eaten by children at school at any time.

There is some great guidance on the NHS Choices website Click here

If your child wishes to change their lunch arrangements, we would request that notice is given to the school office before the start of a new half term.

There are some fantastic ideas for healthy eating on the Change4Life website!

Click here to have a look for yourself.