Consultation – Lingfield Education Trust Admissions Policy 2025-26

Lingfield Education Trust is an admission authority and it is a requirement for the Trust to consult on the admission arrangements for our schools at least once every seven years. 

Therefore, a consultation relating to the Admissions Policy for 2025-26, for all schools within Lingfield Education Trust, will commence on Monday 11th December 2023 and will conclude at midnight on Monday 22nd January 2024. 

We would welcome your views on the proposed admission arrangements.  The proposed Admission Policy for 2025-26 can be found here: Click Here

Notification of the consultation is being communicated by the Trust to the following:

  • The relevant Local Authority
  • All parents and carers of pupils of the Trust
  • Other persons who in the Trust’s opinion have an interest in the proposed admission arrangements

You are welcome to respond by emailing comments relating to the proposed admissions arrangements to

Our school is part of the Lingfield Education Trust family. As such, our policies can be either a school level policy, or a Trust policy which ensures consistency across our family of schools. Below, are the key policies which we work to as a school – however schools and Trusts have hundreds of policies in place in order to run well – too many to include here. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us with regard to any specific request or query, including a request for a paper copy of a policy, or to find out about a policy which is not included here, or on our Trust site – we will be glad to assist. 

Please click here to view all Lingfield Education Trust’s policies – by which we work to at Handale Primary School. The Trust policies include many of the statutory policies for our school, including our:

  • Admissions Policy (an overview of our Trust procedures). Please also see our school admissions page, here
  • Data Protection, Subject Access Request and related GDPR Policies
  • Whistleblowing – how to report a concern to the Trust 
  • Peer on Peer Abuse – a Trust wide approach to this safeguarding issue 
  • Privacy Notice and Pupil Record Retention Schedule Policies
  • Charging and Remissions – a common approach for all of our Trust schools 
  • Code of Conduct for Employees
  • Trust Equality Policy and Trust Level Objectives
  • Acceptable use of Technology 
  • Heath and Safety Statement  
  • Exclusion Policy
  • Trust staff and Volunteer Policy
  • Mobile Technology Policy

Please click here to view all Lingfield Education Trust financial information, including the statutory annual accounts and financial information. 

Please see below a list of some Handale’s school level policies: 

Other Policies, such as our Accessibility Plan, can also be found in our Special Educational Needs and Equalities page of the website, here. 


Mrs Padgett is the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead, with Miss Tully and Mrs Farrier as the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact them. Should you be concerned about a member of staff, and do not feel able to approach Mrs Padgett – the Trust’s Whistleblowing Policy is on the Trust policy page, simply follow the link above. 

If you are worried about a child and you wish to contact Redcar and Cleveland Multi-Agency Children’s Hub, their number is  01642 130700.

Should school have concerns around safeguarding and online safety, staff have dedicated safeguarding procedures. We may contact parents and carers, or Redcar and Cleveland Multi-Agency Children’s Hub Safeguarding Services in light of information shared.

Below are some useful links which can provide useful and impartial information for parents and carers.

NSPCC Online Safety Site

Think You Know Site

Vodafone – Digital Parenting


Whilst our complaints procedures are agreed at Trust level, and are consistent across all of our schools, the policy is rooted in school level contact and support at the earliest stages of a complaint or concern. The aim of this policy is to ensure that a concern or complaint by a parent/carer or member of the public is managed sympathetically, efficiently, at the appropriate level and resolved as soon as possible. Most concerns, where a parent/carer seeks intervention, reconsideration or some other action to be taken, can be resolved informally. As such, parents/carers should raise the concern initially with the Class Teacher, Assistant/Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher in the first instance as a ‘stage 1’ complaint. Should the complaint not be resolved, then the complaint progresses to ‘stage 2’, with greater involvement of the Trust. The full complaints policy and processes can be found on our Trust policy page, here