At Handale Primary School we are very proud of our school library which provides the children of Handale access to high quality books and with a relaxed space to enjoy the wonder of getting lost in a book.

Our School library is managed and organised by our dedicated team of Year Six librarians and our hard working Reading Ambassadors. The librarians and reading ambassadors have organised the library so that is it easily accessible for all children and provides a wide variety of fiction books. The books meet the needs of all of our children including books that have been chosen by the children, a range of different formats to engage all children and books that are imaginative and thought-provoking. We have a wide variety of non-fiction books that support the children’s learning and development and the delivery of the National Curriculum. These books allow children to deepen their knowledge and discover new interests.

The librarians and reading ambassadors have created book themed competitions, quizzes and provided links to online resources and quizzes. These provide the children with fun activities that support the development of reading for pleasure. They have also created a poetry display which showcases the excellent poets we have at Handale. Their other roles include choosing and ordering books and providing book recommendations that help to foster a pleasure for reading in all children from Pre-Nursery to Year 6. The library includes a ‘Book of the Month’ box with has carefully selected books from children and staff and three books of the month chosen by the children and staff to showcase the wonderful books on offer in our school library and to foster a passion for reading in all children.
Through their hard work and dedication they have created a library that promotes reading, provides a space for children to enjoy stories and books and showcases how reading is at the heart of Handale!

Poppy G (Year 6)
The library is full of realistic non-fiction books and funny and imaginative fiction books.
Jack Dewsbury (Year 5)
There are lots of different variations of different authors and books. My favourite section is the Science section shelf because I can find out lots of new information.