9:00 | 9:15 | 9:35 | 11:00 | 1:00 | 1:30 | 2:30 |
Spelling | Handwriting | English | Maths | Reading | Geography | Story |
Good morning to you all. This is our last week before half term so let’s see the amazing effort continue for our last week.
Please remember to go on Spelling shed this week! We are doing very well in 6th place, let’s see if we can get to 5th or even 4th place this week.
Spelling/Handwriting |
This week for our spellings we are going to learn some tricky words rather than following a spelling pattern. It is important that you learn these words and apply them in your writing at all times.
Group 1
somebody, thought, which, witch, with, friend, opened, who, found, wanted, asked, hear, couldn’t, through, around, goes, stopped, wasn’t, really, shouldn’t
Group 2
these, those, always, going, were, people, every, little, because, above
Group 3
saw, when, what, where, there, and, about, has, want, have
TASK: Write your words in your neatest handwriting and write the number of letters at the end of each word. e.g. saw (3)
English |
This week we are going to be looking at and writing poetry.
The type of poem we are focussing on this week are LIMERICKS.
Please watch the following video via the link to see what a limerick is:

When writing a Limerick poem we need to think of the beat and rhyme.
LINES 3 and 4 RHYME (but are usually shorter)
TASK: I would like you to look at both limericks. Write them both out and colour the words that rhyme in the same colour.
Count the beats of each line and write the number in ( ) at the end of each line.
Compare the 2 limericks.
English zoom meeting for more support
Meeting ID: 881 4971 3993
Password: 93ubP1
Maths – Shape, Space and Measure |
Maths meeting (15 mins)
Just do one from each box (you know if you usually do the 1st, 2nd or 3rd)
Unless you want to challenge yourself and do more

Maths Lesson (45 mins)
Problem solving and reasoning
Question 1:

TASK: Sort the shapes in the Venn diagram. After that, create your own Venn diagram.
Question 2:

Question 3: Make your own Venn diagram

Maths zoom link meeting for you to pop into if you are struggling with today’s learning in maths.
Meeting ID: 815 9173 0737
Password: 5GcZ7j
Reading |
TASK: Create a book review of the book you are reading or your favourite book at home

Geography |
Continuing with our topic ‘Extreme Earth’ today we are looking at tornadoes.

Tornadoes happen all over the world, even in Britain!
Watch the 2 videos below.
Tornado Alley Omnitheater film – trailer on Vimeo
Would you like to be a Storm Chaser?
TASK: Create a poster/leaflet about tornadoes
Afternoon zoom meeting for you to come along to if you are struggling with any part of the lesson this afternoon.
Meeting ID: 856 8839 6853
Password: taB6Ev
Feedback for learning today |