If your child is between the ages of 2 and 3 years old you can have 2 sessions in our pre-nursery absolutely FREE, regardless of your income! We are also part of the Government’s funded scheme for low income families and the scheme for working parents. If your child is eligible for either of these two schemes they will receive a 15 hours a week free place.

We feel that every two year deserves the best start to their early years education regardless of whether or not children are entitled to the 15 hour a week funding. We therefore also offer 2 sessions per week for those children who will be attending Handale primary school but who do not meet the criteria for the funded places. Children who attend pre nursery are found to have an easier transition into nursery and settle more quickly therefore allowing children to gain the most out of their nursery experience.

Pre-nursery Hours:

  • Morning Pre-nursery – 8.30-11.30am
  • Afternoon Pre-nursery – 12.15 – 3.15pm (gate is opened from 3.10pm to allow for older siblings to be collected from school)

Flexi Funded Places – there are limited spaces for children to attend:

  • Monday, Tuesday – 8.30am – 3.15pm and Wednesday – 8.30 – 11.30am
  • Wednesday 12.15 – 3.15pm and Thursday, Friday – 8.30am – 3.15pm

The Pre-nursery staff

The pre-nursery team are very approachable and encourage parents to discuss any concerns, no matter how trivial at the earliest opportunity. The team consists of:

  • Mrs Dean
  • Miss Reid
  • Miss Hood

During your child’s time in pre nursery, staff will record learning and progress through our planning and assessment. We document successful learning, linked to our curriculum in our Early Years Books. These are shared with you regularly but are also available to see on request should you wish. We encourage that you as the parent/carer add to your children’s Early Years Books. 

If you have any questions or worries that you would like to discuss please contact:

Mrs Lister at carole.lister@handaleprimaryschool.co.uk (Early Years Lead and Nursery Teacher)