Whilst in Reception, staff will be getting to know your child really well. This will help them to plan specifically for individual children and address all specific needs. Teachers will set a routine that children will follow every day and support any child who finds this difficult. It is absolutely normal for all children to feel a little afraid and scared of the changes in their life. We will do everything to make sure we help your child to feel secure and safe. Children are very resilient and with a consistent approach every day children very quickly adapt and feel like they belong with us in our Reception class. Teachers will also record learning and progress through our planning and assessment. We document successful learning, linked to our curriculum in various ways and these are shared with you regularly.
Staff in the Reception Class:
- Miss Stone (Teacher on maternity leave) Mrs Baker (Teacher covering maternity leave)
- Mrs Darby (Higher Level Teaching Assistant)
What Does a Typical Day in Reception Look Like?
- In Reception, as in the rest of school, we know the importance of books. We therefore use a book focus as a basis for our teaching and delivering our curriculum.
- Our environment is extremely important and changes to link with our book focus. The environment ensures that children’s development and learning are advanced through their play in a fun and interesting way.
- Children have daily phonics sessions based on the Little Wandle phonics scheme. Phonics is the ‘tool’ we use to teach children how to read and write. You will receive a ‘homework’ pack when we begin phonics and we ask that you go over the new sounds that we cover with your child every night. Within the pack there will also be weekly words. We ask that you encourage the children to sound out the words, read and write them. Children will also receive a reading book. To start with this will be a picture book to look through at home. You can use this book to discuss what is happening, what your child thinks etc. When teachers believe that your child has enough phonic knowledge we will give them a school reading book with words in. We only do this when children know a ‘bank’ of sounds and can successfully ‘use’ these sound to read words. Click on the link below to see ways in which you can support this at home:
- Children have daily maths sessions based on Master the Curriculum and Number Sense schemes. The maths focus will be found throughout the environment to ensure purposeful play.
- In Reception we have a weekly ‘Lending Library’ for children. Your child can choose a book to share at home and this book needs to be kept in their school bag.
- Toothbrushing: We are lucky to be part of a toothbrushing scheme. Once we begin this scheme (usually partway through the Autumn term) children brush their teeth daily. All toothbrushes and toothpaste are provided.
If you have any questions or worries that you would like to discuss please contact:
Miss Stone at chloe.stone@handaleprimaryschool.co.uk (Reception Teacher)
Mrs Lister at carole.lister@handaleprimaryschool.co.uk (Early Years Lead and Nursery Teacher)