YEY! The final day of written and technology work before half term. Tomorrow will be a no technology day again so please put your full effort into today’s work and make sure it is your best.

Mr Farrier

SpellingEnglishEnglish Zoom Drop-inBreakMathsMaths Zoom Drop-inLunch
1:00pm1:30pm2:15pm – 3:00pm3:00pm
ReadingArtAfternoon Zoom Drop-in SessionStory Time

Zoom Drop-in Links

Mr Farrier’s English Zoom Meeting

Time: 10:00 – 10:30am

Meeting ID: 994 1240 0082

Passcode: year5

Mr Farrier’s Maths Zoom Meeting

Time: 11:30 – 12:00am

Meeting ID: 971 9522 2708

Passcode: year5

Mr Farrier’s Afternoon Zoom Meeting

Time: 2:15 – 3:00pm

Meeting ID: 978 6001 0732

Passcode: year5


Spelling Test –

Complete your spelling test and send in your scores.

discussion, discomfort, disgusting, distracted, discretely, disturbing, discovery, dissolves, dismount, distress, ascent, crescent, descent, fascinate, scent, scenery, scissors, science, scientifically, scientist

Mrs Robinson’s group –

picture feature adventure miniature signature temperature manufacture capture creature figure furniture future mixture mature puncture


SPAG (15 minutes): Continuation of homophones

Today you are going to finish off the week with a nice homophone activity. Have fun with this and remember a homophone is two words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings.

Writing (45 minutes): To use boastful and exciting openers

Today you are going to continue with your creative cartoon writing. You are going to be focusing on using a range of openers to make your writing exciting. Using the video below and the plot story you created on Tuesday, I want you to create 6 exciting sentences using a range of openers to create excitement for the reader. I want you to use 2 sentences of 3 for action, 2 multi-clause sentences and 2 complex sentences. The openers I want you to focus on, you should know how to use: ing openers, ed openers, simile openers and prepositional phrase openers. Have a look at my example below which will give you some guidance if you need it.


Maths Meeting: Recap previous learning (15 minutes)

Maths: Decimals (45 minutes)

This will be the last time you will work on decimals. Today, you are going to be dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. Watch the video below and then complete the following tasks.

Task –

Challenge – Have a go of the reasoning and problem solving challenges. Make sure when you are doing the reasoning challenge that you answer using answer, prove it and explain it.


VIPERS task –

For reading this afternoon I would like you to read a book to an adult. Record the following in your writing book.

Whilst reading, please can you select some tricky vocabulary words from your text and clarify these words. What do they mean? Why are they used? Use the internet to help you if you don’t know what they mean.

Also, whilst reading, look at some difficult explanation phrases you might not understand and ask a parent what they mean. If you are still struggling, type it in google and write down what you find.

At the end of your reading session, I would like you to summarise what has happened. What did you learn? What did you not expect?

When you’ve done that, take some time to just relax and read for another 5 or 10 minutes. Enjoy your reading time.


The Loftus library need us!

They are creating a window display using a flower theme. They have asked for our help. Our job is to try and create some wonderful flower pictures or tissue paper flowers. They can be any shape, size or colour. Any flowers that you make can be dropped at school or I can print your flower pictures out. Watch the video below to see how to make a tissue flower. I have also attached some lovely drawings of flowers you might use. Have some fun and make them detailed.

Well Done

I am proud of your efforts.

Well done,

Mr Farrier.