
Good morning, Year 3. You have impressed us with your hard work this week. Keep it up.

Remember, you have all been set a challenge to improve your recall of the 2, 5 and 10 times table. Practice these tables everyday and ask an adult to test you on them daily.


Zoom calls will continue at the usual times and the links can be found on the year 3 home learning page.


Mrs Porter’s group

Suffix – tion

animation, operation, narration, quotation, elation, rotation, levitation, relation, dictation, formation, deviation, restoration

Mrs Robinson’s group

Words ending in a g sound made with gue.

analogue, league, colleague,  catalogue,  dialogue, plague, vague, fatigue,  intrigue, vogue,  rogue,  monologue

  1. Unscramble your spellings below.
  2. Test someone in your household on 3 of your spellings and then swap and let them test you on 3. If you get one wrong, you will need to write a full line of the spelling correctly.

Mrs Porter’s group: peroation, tresroation, tionlea, maformtion, lerionat

Mrs Robinson’s group: geuor, liaogued, uevag, leacoluge, rigintre


Complete activity 3 and 4. Write a full line for each of the examples.



Yesterday, we generated ideas using our senses for our outdoor themed poems.

Today, you will be writing a senses poem. Watch the video below to find out how I would like you to do this.

Once you have completed your poem, read it and edit it to improve. Then I would like you to write it up neatly on a clean pages, this can either be lined or plain paper. You could use a pen to do this if you have one at home. Then, decorate your page with images that represent what is in your poem.


Maths Meeting

Today, you will be seeing how much you have improved on your times tables this week. I hope you have all been practicing! Ask an adult to time you on the calculations below. Did you improve you time from Monday? Did you get more correct?

x 2x 5x 10
2 x 2 =2 x 5 =2 x 10 =
8 x 2 =8 x 5 =8 x 10 =
3 x 2 =3 x 5 =3 x 10 =
6 x 2 =6 x 5 =6 x 10 =
4 x 2 =4 x 5 =4 x 10 =
10 x 2 =10 x 5 =10 x 10 =
5 x 2 =5 x 5=5 x 10 =
7 x 2 =7 x 5 =7 x 10 =
1 x 2 =1 x 5 =1 x 10 =
11 x 2 =11 x 5 =11 x 10 =
9 x 2 =9 x 5=9 x 10 =
12 x 2 =12 x 5 =12 x 10 =



Today is our reading comprehension session. Read the text below and then answer the questions. I have included the extension questions if you would like to try them.


For P.E. today, if we still have snow and you have the chance, I would like you to go outside and enjoy the snow.

If not, I would like you to warm up by playing, the floor is lava. Place cushions or socks on the floor. Move around and when someone says, ‘the floor is lava,’ you must jump on to one of the cushions or socks.

Once you are warmed up I would like you to think of the shapes that you have managed to make with your body so far in these PE lessons.

Firstly, I would like to challenge you to make each letter of the alphabet using your body. Which letters are the easiest and hardest to make?

Now chose an emotion, it could be happy, angry, excited or any other emotion. I would like you to spell the emotion using your body. Think how you will move from one letter to the next. If your emotion is happy, can you show that you are moving in a happy way?

Perform your word to someone in your house. Can they see the word without you telling them what it is?


I know how brilliant you all are but today I would like you to think of all of the ways that you are special and brilliant.

I would like you to use the picture below of draw your own person and around it write all of the things that are special about you. It could be things that you like to do (I am really good at playing football), ways that you treat others (I am very thoughtful towards others) or anything else which is special about you (I have really nice hair).

Well done year 3, you have completed todays home learning. Now relax and enjoy a story.

Remember to send any completed work to year3@handale.rac.sch.uk, it would be great to see some snow pictures too.