Good morning Year 2! We are another day closer to all being together again. Please remember to try and complete as much work as you can at home to prepare you for when we return.
Here is your timetable for today…
9am | 9:30am | 10:30am | 11am | 12pm | 1pm | 1:30pm | 3pm |
Spelling | English | break | Maths | dinner | Reading | Geography | Story |
I have training this morning so I will be unavailable for zoom calls however I will be available for the afternoon zoom session. If any of your children find Maths or English hard, please come on to the 2:15pm zoom session and I will be happy to help then.
many, any, only, would, should, after, door, improve, floor, poor, parents, clothes, busy, again, even, everybody
Please read your spellings above. After you have done that, write them out twice. First with your right hand and then with your left hand. After you have done that, put them in an alphabetical order list. This means you need to write them out again in alphabetical order – starting with the first word which will be any because it starts with an a and a is the first letter of the alphabet.
English Starter
You are going to be the punctuation police again – you are getting very good at this. Re write the passage below and add the capital letters and full stops in the right pace. Remember some nouns need capital letters, these are called proper nouns.
on monday 8th march my fabulous year 2 children are coming back to school i am really excited to see them because i have missed them very much when they do come back to handale we are going to have lots of fun we are going to be learning all about kenya |
In English today, you are going to be finding interesting facts from the Non-Chronological Report ‘The Mind Blowing Blue Whale’. Read the report below again and familiarise yourself with it.

After you have read it, I want you to write down 8 facts that you have learned from reading the text. You could use bullet points to order your facts. If you want to, you can use the internet and find more facts about the blue whale and write your own facts.
Maths Meetings

In Maths today, you are going to continue practising column addition but we are going to be doing this by completing word problems. Below, you will find a selection of word problems. Please read them and use column addition to find the answers – I want to see your working out.
Mrs Farrier has 29 cakes. She buys another 45 cakes. How many cakes does she have altogether? There are 45 apples in one basket. There are another 35 apples in another basket. How many apples are there altogether? I bought 19 tickets to a football game. I then won another 42 tickets. How many tickets do I have altogether? In April I got 35 cakes. In May I got another 26 cakes. How many cakes did I get in April and May? Challenge – two step problem! In my garden I have 18 sheep. My friend has 24 sheep in her garden. My mum has 31 sheep in her garden. How many sheep do we have altogether? Now can you write your own word problem using the numbers 57 and 24? |

Please complete the reading comprehension below. Please just write the question number and write the answer.

Please watch the video below to find out about our learning this half term.
After you have watched the video, you can grab some members of your family and complete the role play activity below. To complete the activity, you need someone from your house to be the pilot, the co-pilot and the cabin crew. You are going to board the plane to Kenya – enjoy!

Well done Year 2!
Another day of home learning complete. Tomorrow as you know, is no-technology day but please check the home learning page for activities.
Mrs Farrier