Hello Reception,
I hope you are all having a lovely week. It has been lovely to hear from most of you and I am delighted you are all so excited to come back to school. I can not wait to see you all. I bet you have grown a lot since we were last together. Keep smiling and we will soon be back at school.
Please remember I will do 2 drop-in zoom sessions a day, one at 10.30am and one at 2pm. You can ask any questions you wish to or show me some of your work. I will also read a story on an afternoon so feel free to drop in.
This mornings job is to practice writing some words. We are going to practice the words jet, win, van and pup. Remember to sound out each word and then read it back again to double check you have got the correct sound.
This morning our exercise is Andy’s Wild Workouts. Here is the link:
Phonics Activity
Today, we are going to read some words and learn a new tricky word. Watch the video and join in. After watching the video I would like you to try and write some words of your own. The words I am writing is van, pan, cat and huff. Then I am going to write the sentence – The cat is in the van.
Maths Activity
Thinking about time:
Today we are going to think about time. First, set a timer this could be on a phone, using a timer or watching the clock. Talk about how long 10 seconds is. What can you do in 10 seconds. Have a challenge and see how many jumps the people in your family can do in 10 seconds. Then, increase the time to 1 minute and see if 1 minute is any longer? How many more jumps can you do?
Talk about time together and how long the day is. How long do we sleep for? How do we know when it is morning time and how do we know when it is night time? You could also spend time looking at a clock – what numbers are on the clock? What time is it now?.
Yesterday, we watched the story of Elmer told my David McKee. Today, I would like you to look at the front cover and talk about what things you like best about Elmer. What did you enjoy about the story? Retell the story of Elmer.
Then, I would like you to create your own front cover for Elmer. What colour will your elephant be? Will your elephant be big or small? Maybe you would like to use another animal for your story?
Other activities:
- Read a phonics book on oxford owl or you can read your own phonics book if you have one. Remember to keep practicing so you become fluent with reading. Free eBook library | Oxford Owl from Oxford University Press
- Think about the area we live in, Loftus. What does Loftus have? Could you draw a picture of Loftus? What is your favourite part of Loftus?
- Practice some balancing. How long can you balance for? Can you balance standing on top of something?
- Practice some fine motor skills. This is important to get our hands super strong for writing. This can be done by using some tweezers to pick objects up and put them into a tub or you could practice some threading. You could thread some pasta onto string or thread some beads onto a pipe cleaner or string.
Well done Reception, your work for today is complete. I hope you have had a lovely day. Take lots of care, Miss Stone x