Good morning Year 5! Thank you to those who have sent work in this week, I am really impressed with your efforts. Keep it up. Tomorrow is no technology Friday again, so put a lot of effort into your work today.
Mr Farrier
9am | 9:20am | 10:00am | 10:30am | 11:00am | 11:30am | 12:00pm |
Spelling | English | English Zoom Drop-in | Break | Maths | Maths Zoom Drop-in | Lunch |
1:00pm | 1:30pm | 2:15pm – 3:00pm | 3:00pm |
Reading | PE | Afternoon Zoom Drop-in Session | Story Time |
Zoom Drop-in Links
Mr Farrier’s English Zoom Meeting
Time: 10:00 – 10:30am
Meeting ID: 994 1240 0082
Passcode: year5
Mr Farrier’s Maths Zoom Meeting
Time: 11:30 – 12:00am
Meeting ID: 971 9522 2708
Passcode: year5
Mr Farrier’s Afternoon Zoom Meeting
Time: 2:15 – 3:00pm
Meeting ID: 978 6001 0732
Passcode: year5
Spelling Test –
I would like you to complete your spelling test. If you get any wrong, remember to look where you went wrong and write the correct spelling out, twice.
discussion, discomfort, disgusting, distracted, discretely, disturbing, discovery, dissolves, dismount, distress, denominator, decimal, perimeter, analogue, geometric, acute, obtuse, isosceles
Mrs Robinson’s group –
lamb, limb, doubt, comb, climb, science, scenic, scissors, solemn, psalm, autumn, column, knight, knuckle, knife
SPAG (15 minutes): Modal verbs
Today we are going to recap modal verbs. Some verbs are used to give more information about the main verb in a sentence. Modal verbs show how certain or possible something is.
Example –

Task 1 – circle the modal verbs in the sentences below.
Laura might know the answer.
We shall do our very best today.
Roger should know better.
I wouldn’t want to be famous.
Task 2 – write sentences of your own using each of the modal verbs below.
might, must, will, should
Writing (45 minutes): To investigate and use elaborate starters
Today we are going to investigate and use elaborate starters when using adverbial phrases. I want you to listen to the second chapter of the story and create an order of events for when Barney went back to see Stig. Imagine you are Barney and write in first person. Watch my input below to understand further
Maths Meeting: Number sequencing (15 minutes)

Maths: Recapping number – subtraction (45 minutes)
Today we are going to combine addition and subtraction together. We are going to look at inverse operation and two step word problems. Watch the video below to understand your task.
Task –

Retrieval –
The rest of this week and the whole of next week we are going to work hard on retrieval questions. I want you to really think about the questions I have set. Every question, I want you to answer, prove and explain. Imagine these are 2 mark questions on a test and you need to grab the answer from the text and then explain further.

- What are the two main reasons the League of Nations failed?
- Why was the League of Nations untimely replaced?
- When were the United Nations created and why do you think that was?
- When might a country be excluded from the United Nations and why?
Today we are going to put PE and PSHE together. It is so important we look after our mental health and wellbeing and a great way of doing this is keeping fit. I want you to complete the workout below and put as much effort into it as possible and then complete the PSHE task below.
PSHE – Design a poster with all the different ways you can exercise. On this poster I want you to write about which exercises you love to do, how they make you feel during and afterwards. Explore how music can also keep us active. What types of music inspire you to move your body and why?
On your poster, I want you to describe why exercise is important for us, here are some ideas:
It’s good for both your body and your mind.
Children need to exercise for about 60 minutes each day (but it doesn’t have to be all at one time).
Exercise helps you to feel good about yourself; encourages a better night’s sleep; helps you concentrate on work; helps you keep positive; and helps your body build healthy bones, muscles and joints.
When you exercise it releases little ‘feel good’ signals in your brain and gives you a positive boost.
Well Done
I am proud of your efforts.
Well done,
Mr Farrier.