World Book Day 2020 | HLC Secondary
SpellingWorld Book DayWorld Book Day
World Book Day
Story Time
Please try to follow the timetable as closely as you possibly can.

Please could I encourage all parents and children to ask if you would like your reading books changed as this can be easily arranged. Also, would it be possible to please send photos of your children’s reading records on a Monday or Friday to show evidence that you/your child has read 3 times that week. We want you to get credit for your achievements!

As it is World Book Day today, please have a look at this fascinating video by Stephen Fry focusing on the enormous benefits having the subtitles on when you are watching the TV has for your reading.


Invite to Join Year 6 Drop-in Zoom Meeting (09:30)

Meeting ID: 984 8275 1086
Passcode: fRG64P


Maths Meeting:

Maths: LC: Multiply 3-digits by 2-digits

Today we move onto looking at multiplying 3-digits by 2-digits. This is not new news to you and it is something that you should be comfortable with. Please watch the video closely, ensure you understand what is being modelled and make sure your understanding is clear and that you are confident with what you need to do.

With regards to multiplying 3-digits by 2-digits, we will be looking at completing multiplications, identifying mistakes, estimating, reasoning, < > or = and word problems.

Challenge questions:


Here are the spellings for this week:

Mr Emmerson’s Spelling Group: necessary, nuisance, draft, draught, father, farther, guessed, guest, heard, herd, led, lead, morning, mourning, advise, advice, device, devise, licence, license, practice, practise, prophesy, prophecy.

Mrs Oakley’s Spelling Group: occasion, occasionally, forgotten, forbidden, moisten, straighten, underwritten, heartbroken, handwritten, spokeswoman strengthen, enlighten, misspoken, ibuprofen.

Focus on the spellings from your group and complete the following activity:

Spelling Activity:

Day 4: Forwards / Backwards followed by Spelling Shed today please.

All of these spellings are on Spelling Shed under either Spring Week 8 Mrs Oakley or Spring Week 8 Mr Emmerson

Year 6 World Book Day

So today is World Book Day and I am going to set out a series of activities from 10:30 which I would like you participate in:

10:30 – 10:45: Join the celebration of World Book Day Introductory video beneath.

10:45 – 11:15: It is time to read for fun. Choose a book or a range of books and enjoy their content. Relax and escape into the world of literature.

11:30 Join Year 6 Story Number 1

Meeting ID: 939 5764 0048
Passcode: jXZ5dW

11:15 – 12:15: Participate in the Scavenger Hunt using the sheets below using the sheets and guidance below. If you would prefer, check out the Writing Super Challenge.

1:15 – 2:00: Design a Book Token Competition (see details on website link)

2:00 Join Year 6 Story Number 2

Meeting ID: 948 9225 8738
Passcode: RKg90s

2:15 – 2:45 Enjoy the World Book Day website. There are a number of activities to enjoy and participate in so please have a good look and enjoy yourself.

2:45 – 3:00 Story Time (below)

Story time

Vince by Sarah Crossan

Once upon a time there was an ugly duckling

with grey frayed feathers

who made sounds so awful and so often

that everyone else living around the pond

asked Alexa to yank up the volume on their speakers

so Stormzy could drown out the sqauwk

of poor old Vince trying to sing.

Yes, Vince was very ugly indeed

but his brothers and sisters loved him just the same

because sometimes siblings can be kind like that

And yes, Vince was a terrible singer,

but his mother and father believed he was perfect

because parents often feel that way

even about their noisiest ducklings.

So Vince grew up and stayed just as he was mostly,

turning into a very ugly drake.

But he didn’t care because many things

mattered more than what he wore.

Vince was the smartest of the flock

who studied medicine over the big lake

and when he returned swinging his stethoscope

and mending broken wings,

everyone called him a quacking hero.

Because that was exactly what Vince was.

Daily Work Feedback – Year 6

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