9am | 9:15 | 9:30 | 10:00 | 10:30 | 11:00 | 11:30 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 13:30 | 14:15 | 3pm |
Spelling | PaG | English | English drop-in zoom | Break | Maths | Maths drop-in zoom | Dinner | Reading | Science | Afternoon drop-in zoom call | End of day |
Spelling (15 minutes)
Today in spelling, I would like you to practise your spellings by writing them forwards and backwards. Here is an example:
noitulos solution
trying crying drying frying carrying hurrying marrying supplying worrying replying
situation creation relation imagination organisation ambition position revolution solution fiction introduction caution description conservation punctuation
PaG (15 minutes)
In PaG, you will be working on your use of contractions. You will use an apostrophe to show that you have omitted (left out) some letters when you are joining words together.
For example, you can join the words ‘you’ and ‘are’ together. You + are = you’re. The apostrophe takes the place of the removed letters. In this example, the letter a.
Watch this clip on BBC Bitesize to recap your knowledge:

Task 1- Write the words each contraction stands for:
- don’t
- cant
- won’t
- I’m
- you’ll
Task 2- Write the correct contraction for each set of words:
- did not
- they would
- I have
- he will
- she is
English (1 hour)
Today in English, we will be continuing with our explanation text topic. Yesterday you explored the chocolate making process. When you return to school, we will be creating out first explanation text based on this process. Today you will be focusing on your vocabulary and words you can use to describe the declines chocolate.
Today you will:
- Explore a range of adjectives
- Think carefully about synonyms we could use
- Apply our new words to sentences
Follow the Oak Academy lesson to complete todays session:
English Drop in
Topic: English drop in Year 4
Time: 10:00-10:30am
Meeting ID: 771 632 6699
Passcode: A4uJ78
Maths Meeting (15 minutes)

Maths (45 Minutes)
Today in maths, you will be working on your column multiplication method. Watch the video to help you with your working out:

For reading this afternoon I would like you to read a book to an adult. Record the following in your writing book.
Whilst reading, please can you select some tricky vocabulary words from your text and clarify these words. What do they mean? Why are they used? Use the internet to help you if you don’t know what they mean.
Also, whilst reading, look at some difficult explanation phrases you might not understand and ask a parent what they mean. If you are still struggling, type it in google and write down what you find.
At the end of your reading session, I would like you to summarise what has happened. What did you learn? What did you not expect?
When you’ve done that, take some time to just relax and read for another 5 or 10 minutes. Enjoy your reading time.
Our Geography topic is called raging rivers and today we will be continuing with our learning. Last week, we explored rivers in the UK and explored their sources and mouths. Our key facts that we learnt were:
A source of a river- where a river starts.
Mouth of the river- where a river meets the sea.
Most rivers start in high grounds or the mountains
Today in Geography, I would like you to research into some famous worldwide rivers. Use your research skills to find out the key facts about the rivers of the world. Here is a great article to help you in your research:

Afternoon Drop in
Topic: Afternoon Drop in Year 4
Time: 2:15pm-2:45pm
Meeting ID: 771 632 6699
Passcode: A4uJ78
End of Day
Well done year 4, you have completed another day of online learning.
Please try and upload your child’s work by completing the submission below. Please note, your child’s work will not be published on the website, it will be sent privately to the class teacher. Alternatively, if you have trouble uploading it below, please email the work over using the email address below.