SpellingPaGEnglish English
drop-in zoom
BreakMathsMaths drop-in zoomDinnerReadingR.EAfternoon drop-in zoom callEnd of day

Good Morning Year 4, keep working your socks off. It is great to see all the work that you have been producing. Keep being amazing.

Spelling (15 minutes)

Today in spellings, you will be practising through word-searches. Look carefully for the words, can you find every spelling?

You can complete these online via the links:

Blue spellings:


Green spellings:


PaG (15 minutes)

Today in PaG, you will be working on your Standard English. Please follow the video and complete the tasks.

English (1 hour)

Today you are going to continue with your creative cartoon writing. You are going to create your own cartoon character. When you have created your character, you are going to add it to the cartoon we are focusing on and create your own scene for the cartoon using a setting and a plot. Be as creative as you can. Watch the video below to understand how I want you to set your work out today.

English Drop in

Topic: English drop in Year 4

Time: 10:00-10:30am


Meeting ID: 771 632 6699

Passcode: A4uJ78

Maths Meeting (15 minutes)

Maths (45 Minutes)

Today in maths, we will be moving onto area.

This Video will talk you through your questions. Pause when asked and rewind if you need to recap. Please note, question 1 is not on your worksheet.

Maths Drop in

Topic: Maths Drop in Year 4

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime


Meeting ID: 771 632 6699

Passcode: A4uJ78



  1. Who has gone missing?
  2. At first, what did Samira think had happened to her daughter?
  3. Why is the house called “The House of Shells.”
  4. How do we know that it is difficult to reach the beach?
  5. What did they find inside the shell?
  6. Where is the old cave?

Word Work

Give the meaning of the following words:





What is the opposite to the following words:

hate calm whispered


This afternoon, we are going to recap our geography skills that we learnt last term.

In todays lesson, I would like you to explore some predators around the world. Can you remember what a predator is? I would like you to create a small fact file from a predator from each continent of the world. You decide what predator. Find out:

  • Name
  • Description- what does it look like?
  • Type- Mammal?
  • Food
  • Habitat

Have a listen to the continents song to recap your continents:

Here is an example for the layout in your book:

What interesting facts can you find?

Afternoon Drop in

Topic: Afternoon Drop in Year 4

Time: 2:15pm-2:45pm


Meeting ID: 771 632 6699

Passcode: A4uJ78

End of Day

Well done Year 4, you have completed another day of online learning. This Afternoon, I would like you to read with a parent. Please record this in your reading journal. 

Please try and upload your child’s work by completing the submission below. Please note, your child’s work will not be published on the website, it will be sent privately to the class teacher. Alternatively, if you have trouble uploading it below, please email the work over using the email address below.



Daily Work Feedback – Year 4

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