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Learning and caring together

Wednesday 10th February – Reception

Hello Reception,

I hope you are all ok and keeping busy. It is very quiet in school without you all. I am missing you lots! I hope you have all enjoyed the snow over the last few days, it has been perfect to build a snowman. Be sure to send me a picture if you have been out playing in the snow.

Please remember I will do 2 drop-in zoom sessions a day, one at 10.30am and one at 2pm. You can ask any questions you wish to or show me some of your work. I will also read a story on an afternoon so feel free to drop in.

The job this morning is to practice writing some words. Watch the video of my words and see if you could practice them at home. You could write them in nice colours to make it bright.

This morning our exercise is Andy’s Wild Workouts. Here is the link:


Phonics Activity

Today, we are going to recap the sounds we already know and then practice reading and writing words. This is very important to make sure we use the sounds we are learning to read and write. Watch the video and join in. Then, I would like you to choose some words to write. These could be jet, wig, full, huff or chip. You could also think of your own. Try and put a word into a sentence for an extra challenge.

Maths Activity

Comparing Length

Have a look at the picture above. I can see that the top snake, which is pink, is the longest snake. The middle snake, which is dark blue, is shorter than the pink snake but longer than the light blue snake. The light blue snake is the shortest. I would like you at home to make some snakes using playdoh or some pasta shapes, buttons etc. Make your first snake and then make a snake which is longer and one which is shorter. Can you measure them using a tape measure or your hands? If you use pasta you could count how many pasta shells you have used for each snake.


Today, I would like you to find your favourite story at home and read it with someone in your family. Remember to look at the front cover and talk about what you think may happen, read the blurb on the back and maybe you could ask your family some questions about the story as you read it. Enjoy, I know you all love stories.

Other activities:

  • Read a phonics book on oxford owl or you can read your own phonics book if you have one. Remember to keep practicing so you become fluent with reading. Free eBook library | Oxford Owl from Oxford University Press
  • Next Tuesday it is Pancake Day (that is my favourite day). I am going to write a shopping list for my pancakes today so maybe you could too. I will need: flour, eggs, milk, sugar, lemon and I might treat myself to some chocolate sauce and strawberries. I wonder what will be on your pancakes? Send me a picture of your recipe. Maybe you could draw a picture of what your pancake might look like.
  • Go on a walk. Enjoy being outdoors and looking around. Can you find some leaves or sticks – maybe you could take them home and decorate them with glitter.

Well done Reception, your work for today is complete. I hope you have had a lovely day. Take lots of care, Miss Stone x

Daily Work Feedback – Reception

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