9am | 9:15 | 9:30 | 10:00 | 10:30 | 11:00 | 11:30 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 13:30 | 14:15 | 3pm |
Spelling | PaG | English | English drop-in zoom | Break | Maths | Maths drop-in zoom | Dinner | Reading | Geography | Afternoon drop-in zoom call | End of day |
Good morning Year 4, keep going, we are nearly there. Work hard and keep smiling. 🙂
Spelling (15 minutes)
Today in Spelling, you will be finding your new spellings in the word search. Can you find all the words? How long did it take you?


PaG (15 minutes)
Today in PaG, you will be practising your punctuation skills of speech marks. You will be using inverted commas to correctly punctuate direct speech. Where does the punctuation go when using direct speech?
Punctuation goes inside the inverted commas.
Punctuate the following sentences using inverted commas:
- The girl said, This tastes delicious.
- Where do you think you are going? bellowed the police man.
- I can eat more than you, The boy boasted.
- Cara shouted Stop eating!
- Pippin wailed, I feel sick!
You completed a direct speech English lesson on the 15th of January. Here is a link to it if you need to recap. You do not need to complete the tasks on this video, just the 5 questions above.
English (1 hour)
Yesterday in English, you looked at the features of an explanation text. Can you remember what an explanation text is?
I have added the link to yesterdays lesson if you need to recap. It is very important that you are following the learning as we will be continuing this topic when we return to school.
In todays lesson, you will be text marking an explanation text. When we text mark, we identify the features of a text. Here are the features that I would like you to find from this text and underline them:
- Title
- Paragraphs
- Diagrams
- Causal conjunctions
- Generalisers- can you remember what a generaliser is? e.g. many, most, some

English Drop in
Topic: English drop in Year 4
Time: 10:00-10:30am
Meeting ID: 771 632 6699
Passcode: A4uJ78
Maths Meeting (15 minutes)

Maths (45 Minutes)
Today in maths, we will be practicing our skills of addition. You will be adding 4 digit numbers together and you will need to re-group. Can you remember what regroup means?
You have 8 questions to complete. Take your time and count carefully.

Maths Drop in
Topic: Maths Drop in Year 4
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Meeting ID: 771 632 6699
Passcode: A4uJ78
In reading this afternoon, we will be looking at our new book called “Where the River begins.” In today’s session, we will be practicing our VIPERS skills and looking at the book. Please watch the video to help you with your tasks.

Predict- Before I start reading this book, I would like you to write your prediction on what you think it is about using the front cover. Who are the characters? What journey will they venture to?
Vocabulary– Define the following words: Porch, flowed, wondered, evening
Inference– What do you think made the boys curious about the river?
Retrieve- Where did the boys live? What did their Grandfather agree to do?
Explain- What items would you pack if you were going on a camping trip to the river?
This afternoon, we will be moving onto a new topic in Geography. Our new topic is called ….
In today’s lesson, you will be exploring the water cycle and understanding how rivers are involved in the water cycle and investigate some rivers in the UK. You will be using the key vocabulary of:
Source- where the river begins
Mouth- where the river meets the sea.
Watch the video to work though your lesson:
Watch this video to see where the River Thames begins:

Afternoon Drop in
Topic: Afternoon Drop in Year 4
Time: 2:15pm-2:45pm
Meeting ID: 771 632 6699
Passcode: A4uJ78
End of Day
Well done Year 4, you have completed another day of online learning.
Please try and upload your child’s work by completing the submission below. Please note, your child’s work will not be published on the website, it will be sent privately to the class teacher. Alternatively, if you have trouble uploading it below, please email the work over using the email address below.