Hello Reception,

I hope you all had a busy first day back with your learning at home. If you haven’t done so already please send me an email to let me know how your first day back went and if you are keeping ok. Keep working your socks off, I am very proud of you all. Not long now and we will all be back together having lots of fun.

Please remember I will do 2 drop-in zoom sessions a day, one at 10.30am and one at 2pm. You can ask any questions you wish to or show me some of your work. I will also read a story on an afternoon so feel free to drop in.

This mornings job is to practice our handwriting. I would like you to get some paper and a pencil and make sure you are holding your pencil correctly. Watch the video and join in with your magic finger first and then try with your pencil.

This morning our exercise is some yoga and we are going to warm our bodies up ready for another busy day.

Phonics Activity

Today, we are going to be recapping the new sound from yesterday. Can you remember what the new sound was? We are going to work together to read some words which include our new sound and then write some words with the new sound in. Watch my video and join in with me.

Maths Activity

Today I would like you to complete some short maths activities.

  • Find 6 objects from around your house. First, count the objects. Then, see if you can put them in order from the shortest object to the tallest object. I would then like you to compare the length of the objects. You could lay them all down and see which is the longest and which is the shortest.
  • Think about the days of the week. Start off by singing the days of the week song below. Then, work with someone in your family to divide a piece of paper up into 7 and draw a picture of something that you did on each day of the half term. Remember, they need to be in the correct order.


We are going to begin to look at a new author. We are going to look at David Mckee who writes the stories of Elmer. To start off our new author I thought we could watch a video of the author himself reading the story. I hope you enjoy this.

Other activities:

  • Read a phonics book on oxford owl or you can read your own phonics book if you have one. Remember to keep practicing so you become fluent with reading. Free eBook library | Oxford Owl from Oxford University Press
  • Challenge yourself to count forwards and backwards to 20. Choose 3 numbers and practice writing them.
  • Collect some junk and make a model. After creating your model, make a model design sheet. We do this in school lots so remember to put your name on and draw a picture of your model. Then you could write something about your model – What is it? What colour is it? What shapes can you see? Is it tall or short?
  • Read a story and think about which was your favourite character in the story. Why were they your favourite?
  • Go out and enjoy a walk. See if you can do a shape hunt whilst on your walk. How many different shapes can you find?

Well done Reception, your work for today is complete. I hope you have had a lovely day. Take lots of care, Miss Stone x

Daily Work Feedback – Reception

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