SpellingPaGEnglish English
drop-in zoom
BreakMathsMaths drop-in zoomDinnerReadingR.EAfternoon drop-in zoom callEnd of day

Spelling (15 minutes)

Today in Spelling, you will be finding your new spellings in the word search. Can you find all the words? What is the suffix we are looking for?


PaG (15 minutes)

Today in PaG, you will be working on your use of commas. Commas are a very important part of writing because they can be used in a variety of ways. They can be used in: a list, after openers, to split clauses and to avoid confusion. Today you are going to focus on commas to add extra information, which we know as a drop in clause.

Here is an example of a drop in clause:

The painter, who used a variety of colours, created murals on the street.

Task 1 – rewrite each sentence with the commas in the correct place to show the extra information.

The charity auction which raised hundreds of pounds was a great success.

Pepperoni my favourite pizza topping is a kind of sausage.

The shepherd who’d lost all his sheep was very upset.

Task 2 – rewrite the sentences below, adding the embedded relative clause, making sure you use commas where they are needed.

English (1 hour)

Today in English, we will be working on our use of complex sentences. Our topic this term is explanation writing and we need to be able to use a variety of sentence types in our own explanation texts.

In this lesson you will:

  • Recap the chocolate making process
  • Look at the structure of complex sentences
  • Explore adverbial phrases
  • Conclude with relative clauses

Here is the link for todays lesson:


English Drop in

Topic: English drop in Year 4

Time: 10:00-10:30am


Meeting ID: 771 632 6699

Passcode: A4uJ78

Maths Meeting (15 minutes)

Maths (45 Minutes)

Today in maths, you will be practicing your skills of long division. Use the video to help you practise. This is a very tricky concept but I know you can all do it! Keep going!

Video to support questions

Maths Drop in

Topic: Maths Drop in Year 4

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime


Meeting ID: 771 632 6699

Passcode: A4uJ78


In reading this afternoon, we will be continuing with our new book called “Where the River begins.” In today’s session, we will be practicing our VIPERS skills and looking at the book. Please watch the video to help you with your tasks.

Vocabulary– Define the following words: familiar, grazing, foothills, narrow

Inference– How do you think the boys felt along the journey? What struggles might they have faced?

Retrieve- What did they walk past? What did the boys do after they set up camp? How did they fall asleep?

Explain- Order the following events 1-4:

The boys set up camp and went wading in the river.
They all drifted off to sleep at the sound of the campfire.
They set off early morning and walked through fields of wheat.
At last they reached the foothills of the mountains

Predict- What do you think will happen tomorrow when they wake up?


For P.E this afternoon, I would like you to have a go at a yoga class. Yoga helps us increase flexibility, muscle strength and tone and improves respiration, energy and vitality. Take some time to stretch, relax and exercise.

Afternoon Drop in

Topic: Afternoon Drop in Year 4

Time: 2:15pm-2:45pm


Meeting ID: 771 632 6699

Passcode: A4uJ78

End of Day

Well done Year 4, you have completed another day of online learning. 

Please try and upload your child’s work by completing the submission below. Please note, your child’s work will not be published on the website, it will be sent privately to the class teacher. Alternatively, if you have trouble uploading it below, please email the work over using the email address below.



Daily Work Feedback – Year 4

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