Dear Parents and Carers,

As the headteacher of Handale Primary School, I have the most privileged job in the world, I strongly believe in providing outstanding opportunities for all children enabling them to achieve highly. We are a forward-thinking school with staff who strive to bring out the best in all children. My ultimate aim is to ensure we provide all children with the best possible opportunities and to nurture them towards reaching their full potential and ensuring the years here are happy and successful.

Handale Primary School is a warm and caring community, which moved into a brand-new building in September 2015. The building is modern, spacious and has state of the art facilities, including touchscreens in every learning area and a beautiful library area. You really need to see the building to appreciate all that we can offer.

At Handale Primary School, we believe that every child has a talent and can experience success as they develop into young adults through a supportive and caring environment. We very much value your part in the education and recognise the work you have already done in teaching your child as their first educators. We want to continue to strengthen this partnership between home and school.

We strongly believe our school offers more than a ‘set of results’ we aim to develop children in to ‘good citizens, who will go on to achieve great things. Developing children’s positive attitudes, and care are central to daily life at Handale Primary School.  We do this through inclusivity promoting fairness, kindness, bravery, respect, problem solving and seeking solutions.

As a school our ultimate aim is to ensure that all children reach their full academic potential – we believe that this is achieved best when children love coming to school, feel loved when they are there and develop a love for learning. We aim to do this by:

  • Providing children with a wonderful indoor and outdoor learning environment, where they can investigate and question freely.
  • Providing a safe and secure learning environment where children can thrive and go from strength to strength.
  • Having highly passionate and motivated staff to engage children in wanting to engage in school and channel their own learning pathway.
  • Providing an inclusive community, where all children feel proud of their school, each other and themselves. We want our children and families to feel settled, appreciated and valued every day.
  • High quality teaching and learning, nothing else will be accepted at Handale Primary School.

‘The mediocre teacher tells.

The good teacher explains.

The superior teacher demonstrates.

The great teacher inspires.’

William Arthur Ward

  • A high quality, rigorous and exciting curriculum, which promotes a breath of knowledge, skills and opportunities.
  • Offering an open door policy with the community. We understand that school has the potential to support children and families beyond the classroom as when schools do this well, children fly.
  • Having high aspirations for our children, regardless of background – academically, socially, in sports, through the arts whatever our children’s strengths are, we will find them, celebrate them and aim to ensure that they achieve their full potential.

Being responsive to the community we serve is vitally important to us, therefore we all strive together to make Handale Primary School a happy and successful learning environment for all children who attend the school.

We would welcome you and your child to fully experience and appreciate what our school has to offer through a visit during the school day.

Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any aspect of a transfer or an admission. I look forward to working with you and your child over the coming years.

To read our school ethos, please click here

To read our school vision statement, please click here

Kind regards

Mrs Nicola Padgett